I'm working with Kat on the Chew TV ident project. Today we pitched our two ideas to Andy, Kathy and two guys from Chew TV. I was pretty nervous, I was sure I wouldn't be able to get any words out, but I was surprised how well we handled it.
We came up with our ideas by sitting down together in the studio, and just throwing random ideas at each other. We came up with things like werewolves to pizza delivery men. This was a great way to do this because we could expand on one of our ideas with two different points of view. We had loads of detailed ideas that we had to narrow down to the two that we pitched today.
Our first idea is an ident set in a space station canteen full of aliens getting their equivalent of lunch. The machine malfunctions... its as if its clogged with something...

The room fills with steam from the broken machine and the camera pans over the aliens shoulders as they gather around the tray...

...to reveal that the chew logo was the thing causing the problem. And the background fades to black.

Our second idea is of animated speech bubbles floating up the screen... boring and ordinary. Which are then suddenly knocked out of the way by the chew logo. Its all going to be hard work, but I think the outcomes will be worth it. As soon as we've learnt how to use flash a bit more we can get a move on.