Monday, 31 May 2010
Pitch Project: Done and Dusted

Saturday, 29 May 2010
Another concept down... 2 to go!!

Sat Under the Tree...

Thursday, 27 May 2010
1 down... 4 to go!

Wednesday, 26 May 2010
Background... Finished!!

Saturday, 22 May 2010
Essays essays essays....
Working on it....
More characters!! I feel Like I'm on a roll!
This is Suzy Turquoise Blue. Shes a wacky character stuck in the body of twelve year old for hundreds of years. She is one of my favourite characters from the book and also one of the most important.

This is Leaf. I mostly find her annoying in the books because she seems so ordinary compered to the other characters. But I guess you need something real in them.
This is Sunday's butler. He is meant to be green... But he also looks a bit like a strange tall Yoda... Never mind.
Going to WAR!!! Or instant death....
This is my sound scape project, it is created using sounds I recorded on a M-Audio device and sounds I collected off the website http://www.freesound.org/ It is a massive website with loads of other people collections, all free to use. I decided to do a battle sound scape, and after hearing a very strange wind sound effect, I decided to add a magical twist. I found a rather good fight recording on the free sound project website with several actorsbattling it out, I added a few of my housemates into the mix so I could pan more and having them suround you. Hopefully you can work out what happens (and can also hear my housemates marching in armour, their battle cry and drawing their swords and fighting each other. It was fun times in the kitchen that evening.)