This is the done and finished animation. I don't really know how I feel about it... I think I've spent too much time staring at Winnie to know whether its a good animation or not. I know there are things that could be improved.
The simplicity of the camera angles don't distract you from the story that Winnie is telling, however they donut show off the 3D element as much as they could. The 3D animation ended up in some scenes being more of a guideline then something to trace over exactly. We could of done something like in the pierce sisters when they drag the fish up the inside of the building. Maybe zoom in from above them stood outside Woolworths.
I think we've managed to keep a good 'boiling' effect throughout. Even redrawing still frames to keep to movement fluid. Yet I do think the frame rate that we were drawing at should of been a bit lower so it looked less like its all vibrating.
We've managed to keep the style consistent throughout, I would draw the first frame and then someone else would draw over the rest of the scene, using my drawing as a guide for colours, shading and line thickness. To make sure the old Winnie stayed the same (and with a Cornish ear) I did the lip syncing and animating for her after Jenny drew her living room and a motionless Winnie enough times to repeat them for the boiling effect and using they Maya animation as a guide. There is something that bothers me though, and its that in only one scene Winnie is holding a tea cup, to the audience it looks like its just magicked there. Because we animated it we know that she picks it up for a sip while shes talking then puts it down again when you cant see her in another scene. It just looks a bit strange when we put it together. I also was getting stressed when animating this scene where she holding a tea cup, and you can see that in one frame her arm shakes slightly... maybe its just the old age?
I really enjoyed doing the sound for the ident project. But for this one sound effects didn't seem as important, we didn't want to distract from Winnie's story. We recorded loads of different sounds at the beginning of the project, but only used a few to add a little colour.
I think this is probably the best we could of done for this project and we worked really well as a group. But I don't think Ill want to see this Winnie for a while :)