Sunday, 3 May 2009

Hayle Project- Winnie's Woolworths Wedding

Well the projects going good so far, I'm working with Jenny, Leki and Lucy and am finding out what it means to be the director. Its all a bit strange having the responsibility of making sure the animation is fluid in design and makes sense in the story. Its not too much hard work though because we're communicating well with regular meetings, I think we've all pretty much had equal input into what this animation will look like.

We have decided to use the method that Aardman studio used to create 'The Pearce Sisters'.
Which means were going to have to animate and model our scenes in Maya, and then draw over every frame again. Its a long way about it, but I think that it makes a smooth and accurate animation with the style of 2D. The feel of it all is very different in 3D.

Were on schedule at the moment, we have written the script, worked out which parts of the recording were going to use (Winnie had a great Cornish accent but she does repeat herself), researched the 1940s style. had a look at Penzance including the old Woolies and recorded the other sound effects.

Lucy has been doing tests to make sure that we get the effect that we want. I like how they have turned out, but I think if were going to do it in Photoshop were all going to have to practice drawing with a tablet. Here is an example:
Ive been working on the character designs and a neat storyboard and putting together the animatic. I will post an update on how thats all going later.

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