I thought I would do a quick update... So we're back here again. I feels like an age since the Hayle project and I still haven't watched back our final render. I think I might leave it a bit longer. I have a good feeling about this year, and the ideas are already rushing around in my head. I just have to put them to paper (or screen) somehow.
Georg asked us in the 'Advanced' Maya classes to model our own heads and showed us some really interesting models done by others. Its gotten me interested but I haven't considered the 3D work as much as 2D so far so I've got some improving to do. While talking about ideas like the 'uncanny valley' there was a task of finding out how unsymmetrical our faces really are. This is my findings... (the lighting isn't very good in this picture as this is the moment the sun actually decided to shine)

As you can see I'm not symetrical but I think it could be a lot worse. It proves when you model the human body you can't just copy and paste one side and keep them exactly the same.