It was quite fun wondering around the Woodlane library completely lost... trying to find a book that is related to the scripts. I was working in a group with Jenny, Lucy and Leki. This is probably a very good thing because Jenny is very organised, which in turn helped me to be more organised.

We wanted to stick to the scripts and research what we needed. So firstly we had to read the beginning sections of each piece and choose where up to in the script we were going to look into further. We also did simple thumbnails to decide what else we would need to include and the different angles. We didn't really look very deeply into the history/information side of things which helped to keep our ideas a bit wild.
Here's some of my contribution to the research:
This is the Titanic script. I was working on the costumes for this one and I found a really useful website full of 1910s/20s fashion. I also looked more modern suits for the Doctor.

This is the research for the Chinese style planet and for London pubs/buildings. I really like the market stalls because they are so bright and detailed. I also like the idea of having a really long pan down at the beginning, it helps to set the scene very well.
I found the Lois XV script and interesting one to research for props because of the amazing decorative style they used. Everything that could have gold and fancy detailing, did.
Finding a landscape for Shakespearean London was the hardest one to look for. However, it's a strange thought that the houses used to line the bridges.
Finding outfits from the time of Pompeii was very difficult. I found the best way was to look at the frescoes preserved in the ruins.
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