I decided to use acrylics for the final designs of my backgrounds and characters. This is because its easier to get a vibrant colour compared to other materials such as water colour or coloured pencil. I wanted quite a crisp feel to it all with both the backgrounds and characters bright, however I still wanted it to be easy to distinguish between the two. To do this I outlined some of the characters with a black fine liner.

These are my painted up versions of my characters. I Have decided to keep the fortune teller as she is and have made the Doctor look slightly older.

This is the fortune tellers room. I decided to use a lot of red and gold in this scene because they are very popular colours in China. I tried to stick to the description of the room in the script, but I added some traditional ornaments. These hint at the fact she is in a higher class from the market folk.

This is a long pan down of an alley with the market down below. I found it difficult deciding how I wanted to paint the pagodas. I settled on just painting the silhouette of each one in different shades of grey. For the objects on the market stalls I wanted bright exotic colours so I used purples, greens and reds.
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