Wednesday 11 March 2009

Live @ 5

Who would of thought a few weeks ago we were panicking about the opening titles and astons etc. (our group came out on top with that). Now it was the final day (I think :s) in the journey of live at five.

I did the astons for the day and as long as I copied the names right and rendered the movie files on the correct format Id be OK. Here's an example:

I thought there would be a load more work to do and wed be pushed to our animating limits but I don't think the broadcasting students really grabbed their opportunity of maximising their use of graphics. I understand that they were rushing around a lot and thinking about editing the filming together rather then the small group of animators up in the studio.

Watching the rehearsal and run through was really interesting, even though not very much of it seamed to of grasped the full potential of graphics. We sat in a room with a row of very loud scary people in front of a load of screens. Dennis shouted orders to his students and made me glad in an animation student not in broadcasting, I wouldn't be able to handle the pressure.

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